business failure

美 [ˈbɪznəs ˈfeɪljər]英 [ˈbɪznəs ˈfeɪljə(r)]
  • 企业倒闭
business failurebusiness failure
  1. It is impossible for regulators to prevent business failure , and undesirable to pursue that objective .


  2. Zhang Jianzong stressed that when each time has business failure , the special zone government Department concerned with reconciles the human to contact on own initiative .


  3. I remember going through a terrible business failure .


  4. Even business failure can be accepted as an opportunity to learn .


  5. Have you ever had a business failure ? If so , explain .


  6. Product structure and market demand imbalance is the development of business failure or delay an important problem .


  7. One of the major reasons for business failure is under-capitalization .


  8. Dynamic Predicting in Business Failure Based on ARMA-EWMA Model


  9. On the basis of the theory of crisis management , This paper presents the countermeasures enterprises to avoid business failure .


  10. Small internal control deficiencies seem unremarkable , but may ultimately lead to business failure or even bankruptcy .


  11. He was soured by a business failure .


  12. In1826he lost all his money through the business failure of his publisher and printer .


  13. Businesses have internal motivations for risk management as well : fraud or theft can lead to reduced profits and even business failure .


  14. Mismanagement will lead to a decline in corporate performance , but business failure will lead to the end of the corporate life cycle .


  15. On the other hand , when economic and market environments change , the enterprises should make relevant evaluation and adjustment in financial strategy to avoid business failure .


  16. A business failure might not be due to the absence of a sound risk management system , but because of the ineffective activities designed to avoid risk .


  17. Identify and explain the functions of accounting systems and internal controls in planning , monitoring and reviewing performance and in preventing fraud and business failure .


  18. No one knows better than you that what a great loss that business failure brought to my company and what a big hit it meant to me .


  19. Insufficient perception of alliance risks leads to the increase of uncertainties which makes companies involved have to pay great price of business failure of such kind .


  20. Innovation ecosystems are also shaped by shared social norms and value systems , especially those concerning attitudes toward business failure , social mobility , and entrepreneurship .


  21. From recent years , Shanghai and Shenzhen listed companies and other businesses at home and abroad Analysis shows that business failure often stems from a weak financial links .


  22. If not effectively controlled , the risk will be transformed into a crisis , which will lead to the demise of business failure and even bankruptcy .


  23. A Forecasting Model of Business Failure for Listed Companies in China ; His haphazard knowledge of modern economics is one of the reasons why he failed in his business .


  24. Always worried about the poor business failure , and loss of the stability of the existing revenue , ended up saying no corrosion to the chicken rice .


  25. The well-known business failure case of TCL , BenQ and so on caused more reflection of our cross-border mergers and acquisitions .


  26. Business failure or even bankruptcy , largely originates from financial failure , the examples that financial crisis had led to struggling until bankruptcy happened more than once .


  27. This paper utilized the multivariate time series process of ARMA model and the accumulative memory in the ( process ) variation of EWMA Control Chart to predict business failure .


  28. In China , with the rapid growth and rapid economic development , lack or failure due to lack of internal controls caused the business failure , bankruptcy and other cases from occurring .


  29. Although the government has been actively making Enterprise Internal Control Standard , the enterprises have not taken the risks seriously and have not established the internal control system , business failure occurred successively .


  30. Believing that a lack of information and expertise was the main cause of small business failure , the OSB produced brochures and conducted management counseling for individual entrepreneurs .
